Friday, 29 April 2022

Our lives are always embedded within a personal history & story

I've been working on my family history. I set myself the task of compiling the story of the previous 3-4 generations of my family history in words (yes, a ‘small’ task!). As I wrote, I found myself revisiting images of people, places and events. I knew that any family history is always shaped primarily by memories and perspectives of varied family members (and non-family members too), who often have different lived experiences and accounts. Even two or more siblings can have slightly different memories of the same events, person and relationships. I began to see that as well as the family stories handed down across the generations, that photographic evidence and documents also matter!


 Above: My sister & me (a 'few' years ago)

But varied evidence is not always 'equal' in validity. It all helps to shape who we think we are, what we believe, and even character, beliefs and values. An image alone, can help us to situate and understand our memories within a specific place and time. They act as anchors for 'truth'. But an image requires interpretation, so in partnership with the memories of multiple people and sources, places and events, we will end up nearer to the 'truth'.

My Great Great Grandfather watched a son and daughter leave Scotland in 1882 never to return to their homeland. As I began to dig out old family photos and records, and listen to the memories of those still living, a bigger and more complete story emerged of what had happened. The addition of unseen images in boxes, old newspaper clippings, ship records and so on, contributed to a bigger and more complete story; one richer than any single family member could recall. There is often much knowledge that is in common between family members, but gaps can be filled by other people and official documents. Like many families, there have been some surprises, with troubling events uncovered, and amazing stories unearthed.

As I have embraced this journey I've been reminded of the words of Alasdair Macintyre:


"The story of oneself is embedded in the history of the world, an overall narrative within which all other narratives find their place."


Of course, it is true, every story is unique, but also our personal stories reflect the stories of others before us, as well as those we live life with now. Alasdair's words seem to be very much 'big picture', but he is right. As a Christian, I believe that my story is reflective of and part of the greatest story ever told. It should not surprise us when we discover that while our personal stories are unique, they share elements with other people's stories, and are also shaped by the lives of our family members, and previous generations from our maternal and paternal relatives.


 Above: My Dad near the Forth Bridge in Scotland having returned after 60 years


I grew up in a less than perfect home. For much of my childhood both parents were 'absent' from my life for varied reasons. They had part-time lives as entertainers, and in my father's case, full-time shift work in the mines. Like all parents, they had some shortcomings; hence my older sister and I were fairly independent from about the age of 10. But we both loved them and were shaped in part by them and their lives. We both married early and found wonderful life-time partners, and set about building a different family life for our children.


I fell in love with my wife for varied reasons. These included her kindness, gentleness, quiet confidence, servant heart and the fact that she made me laugh! She is also smart and a perfect partner in life. The person she is reflects her personal history, faith and family. After joining her family, I discovered her mother and grandmother were very much the same type of women. In the last 10 years we have discovered through family history research, that earlier generations of women on Carmen's side across four centuries, shared many of the same qualities. Their lives, no doubt served to shape in part their children and ultimately later ancestors.


In my life, I've written in previous publications and posts how teachers had a strong influence on me. A few I loved and some I loathed. As teachers, how we engage and nurture the children in our care matters. The small number of teachers who did believe in me, saw me as more than just a cheeky and unkempt kid (which I also was). Whatever role we fill in life, we can have an influence for good.


Above: Terry Malone, Dr Phil Lambert & Me


I had the joy last night of attending the launch of a book from the recently retired Assistant Director of Education in NSW Dr Phil Lambert. He invited me to attend along with a former colleague I taught with 48 years ago! To our great surprise he mentioned us both in his book. As a 1st year student teacher he was assigned to my class (in just my third year of teaching). He shared that he'd considered leaving teacher training until he came to my classroom for his first period of practice teacher. He said that he observed my love of teaching, and the friendship and fun I had with the teacher in the next room Terry Malone. The fun and joy we had teaching, and the impact on the children's lives inspired him to continue. He came to the school thinking of dumping teaching, but he left keen and excited about completing his course. To learn this many years later was a joy!


I share the above story, not in any sense of pride (although I was encouraged by it), but simply to demonstrate that the lives we live each day matter. Our stories are always intertwined with other people's stories. As teachers, it is important to consider how we encourage our students to live in ways that acknowledge their true identities, while also seeking to help them grow and mature through lived experience. Just like their parents and wider families, teachers play a part in helping to shape the character of our students.


The central goal of Christian education should always be more ambitious than academic standards, cut-off scores, future jobs, sporting achievements, and so on. As Alasdair MacIntyre argues, education in our schools should lead to “purity of heart,” not just appropriate behavior and school success. As I outline in my book "Pedagogy and Education for Life":


"The role of teachers and schools is to partner with parents to create learning school communities that work in concert with the many other communities in which all students are participants. These school communities of learners will teach and nurture and indeed form the children who God gives to us, in whatever educational context we meet them."


If you're a teacher, be encouraged, and seek to place the learning of your students and their growth as people at the centre of your concerns. You serve in a noble and important profession.

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